I give myself permission to Dream Big Dreams
Initial Thoughts: I am not the
exception to the rule that God wants us to achieve great things.
Stand outs: “A person’s most valuable assets are intelligence, energy, and experience…” (The Heart of Entrepreneurship)
“You can
do it, you can accomplish the goals and dreams that you set and if you involve
the Lord, you can do the impossible, you can do amazing things you can do great
things.” (Think Big Taylor Richards)
“What you feed grows, and what you starve dies.” (Your
Emotional Fingerprint Jim Ritchie)
Insights: Intelligence is using our brain to apply energy to the things that experience has taught us. Choose to be intelligent every day so that my energy is used for propelling me forward instead of dwelling in the past.
I struggle when I read things like A Field Guide to
the Hero's Journey or Your Emotional Fingerprint. I
don't feel that I know my purpose or what my big dream is. I tend to think that
I am just supposed to be ordinary and invisible in this life, though my
patriarchal blessing says otherwise. Does everyone's blessing say they are not
ordinary since we are all children of God? It is intimidating to me to read
those words and I instantly feel overwhelmed. I feel that I am haunted by the
idea that I am supposed to do some special thing and I totally don't know what
it is! God has guided me step by step in so many parts of my life and of course
I can see that in hind sight. I need to trust Him to keep doing the same thing
into my future. I need to feed my faith and starve my fear.
Ponderings: How can I feed my faith?
What are
the things in my patriarchal blessing that stand out as strengths or
How would
those point to my big dream?
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