
Initial Thoughts: The idea of balance when it comes to work and life I think is flawed.  Happiness doesn't come from balance.

Stand outs: "The first thing we need to understand about money is that it is not evil. Money is neither good nor bad." (Attitude on Money)

"The greatest threat to you leading a fulfilling life is a misguided pursuit of happiness that blinds you to the possibility of a more meaningful Hero’s Journey." (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness)

Insights: Isn't it interesting how an inatimate object gets blamed for being evil when it is our choices that ultimately are good or evil. Money can bless many lives and give freedom for service to be done. It can also lead to greed and loneliness. It is my choice.

I was amazed by the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness article. It is fascinating to think that I have a happiness threshold and very few of the things I think will make me more happy actually have the power to do so. I think I am finding satisfaction in my life and the blessing of our 1 year move from everyone helped to solidify that. I am so grateful to be back home among my amazing friends. 


 How can I find fulfillment in this present stage of my life?

Remember GRATITUDE!!
