Last Lecture


·         If you had one final lecture to share with a group of students on what you have learned from this course, what would you share?

Becoming an entrepreneur is not about getting rich, does not come from some great new idea that has never been done before, or being better or smarter than anyone else. Becoming an entrepreneur is about introspection and the realization of your ability to accomplish anything that you feel passionate about because you are of infinite worth. Any one of us can become anything because we have been put on this earth with talents and the ability to choose what we do with those talents.

·         What would be your last bit of advice to someone wanting to begin the entrepreneur journey?

Read the book A Field Guide for the Hero’s Journey and answer the questions in a journal. Truly apply the “Try This” sections and see if your outlook changes. Can you find the discipline to do this? If not, you are not ready to take on the responsibility of running your own business and eventually employing others.

·         What words of advice, direction, or caution would you give him or her if you had only one chance to give your own last lecture?

Do not try for a “balanced” life because that is a misleading word. When you are passionate about what you feel your calling is, you will naturally give it more of your time and attention than other things. Find a companion who supports your passion and helps to balance the demands of life that you cannot take on as you give more of yourself to your entrepreneurial calling. Remember that your life calling is not more important than your family or their life callings, so be the companion for them that you would want for yourself. Surround yourself with people who are better than you so that you will strive to reach their level instead of trying to be the smartest or best in the group. Find employees, partners, or advisors that have strengths where you are weak and let them take on those responsibilities. Be a master of a few things and not a Jack of all trades.

