Gratitude and the Making of an Entrpreneur

 Initial Thoughts: Gratitude is the emphasis lately! What does this have to do with becoming an entrepreneur?

Stand outs: "...entrepreneurism typically is not a one-time event but rather a dynamic, ongoing process." 

 "...if the entrepreneur chooses to move forward, he or she must do so in a disciplined way by setting milestones and benchmarks for periodically reassessing his or her investment."

"I could have the worst day of my life and I wake up with a good attitude every day. It means that you just believe in yourself, you believe in the people you’re around, you believe in your family you believe in your friends, you believe in your community and that’s been the single biggest asset that I’ve had."

Insights: The idea of setting smaller benchmarks is important to help reduce the chances of burnout. Reassesing as these benchmarks are met can also help course correct before things get too far off and cause damage. "Return and report" comes to mind as I think about this. Accountability and the opportunity to celebrate wins are both important parts of growth.

A good attitude is a valuable asset. How I react is what I can control. CHOOSE my thoughts and CHOOSE who I want to be. 

Ponderings: Can I believe in myself on good days, let alone on the worst days?

How can I obtain this man's good attitude asset? 

Remember that growth is ongoing and sometimes painful. It's a journey not a one-time event. 

Remember GRATITUDE!!
