Aaaaaannnd ACTION!

Initial Thoughts: A bias toward action. The ability to act. Act to help the other person.

Stand outs: "The secret to developing the right attitudes, habits and instincts for crisp execution is cultivating a bias toward action." (A Message to Garcia)

"Dwelling on fears only gives them more power. The best way to rid yourself of a fear is to take positive action. Courage isn’t the absence of fear but rather the ability to act in the face of it." (A Message to Garcia)

Defaulting to yes means that when you meet people, you are always thinking, “How can I help that person?” Which is very different than when you meet people and you’re always thinking, “How can that person help me?” (Guy Kawasaki)

Insights: I love the idea that fear can be overcome by taking positive action. I truly enjoyed the entire article called A Message to Garcia. I always believe that I am a chicken and everyone else around me is really brave. The truth is that they are willing to act despite their fear instead of not feeling fear. When I think of it that way I can recall times when I have done the same and feel inspired and motivated to do it again.

I had a rough bike riding learning experience. I have been very adverse to bikes ever since, though I will ride them on very flat and paved paths. My husband bought me a bike for Mother's day so I could ride with our kids. I have a few friends who go on dirt trails and invited me to come along. I was TERRIFIED, but wanted the social interaction so I agreed. I am now an addict and tend to go downhill much faster than most of them. I am more brave than I give myself credit for and this has been a great proving point.  I will use my biking experience as proof that I can do things that are scary and act despite my fears. 

Ponderings: What are the things that I need to apply my bike experience to right now?

What are the baby steps to help me start with positive action to get a plan in the works?
