Mastery and the fear of failure

 Initial Thoughts: I'm not sure I've ever put in enough effort to completely master something. Am I lazy?

Stand outs: "I know of no other church that has scripture instructing its people to pursue secular knowledge as well as spiritual knowledge." "If you find yourself slipping under the pressure of circumstances, discipline yourselves." "Be true to yourselves, and your respect for yourself will increase."(Pres Hinckley)

"Most of the athletes we interviewed stressed hard work and experience over raw talent." (Mastery George Leonard)

"Whatever you’re building, whatever you’re building, it’s about passion, because you love it. If you love it and you change the world, you will be rich. But you shouldn’t do it because you want to be rich. Because it’s— it’s not lofty enough of a goal. It’s about changing the world." (Guy Kawasaki Passion vs Money)

Insights: As I am true to myself instead of to my fear, I will find more self-confidence. As I focus on helping others and discovering Christlike love in all aspects of my interactions I will love what I am doing and have a passion for it. Have faith that the money will follow if that is what I need. Do not fear failure, that is what practice is for. As I tell my daughter Ava, it's OK not to know how to do something, that is why you are taking lessons and practicing.

I am convincing myself each semester to keep going even when I feel that I can't do anymore school. I feel dumb and inadequate, which is from Satan. I am self-taught with cakes and put in an extraordinary amount of effort to learn. I am not lazy, I am scared.  Fear prevents me even attempting.

Ponderings: How do I overcome the fear of failure?

Why is it so hard to give myself the grace that I am trying to teach my daughter to give to herself? I need to model the behavior if I want her to truly learn the lesson. 
