Analysis Paralysis

Initial Thoughts: Ouch, this week feels very personal.

Stand outs: 
"There are those who complain that to follow the straight and narrow path requires limitations, restrictions, overcoming, and doing without things that are very tempting. We must remember, however, that it guarantees victory and achievement of our goal, which is gained by setting a goal and being able to concentrate and follow an undeviating course." (Success Is Gauged by Self-Mastery N. Eldon Tanner)

"I want to emphasize that if you never take the first you will never take the second. You will never become an alcoholic or an addict." (Success Is Gauged by Self-Mastery N. Eldon Tanner)

"The key is not to land the perfect first job but to use each position as a steppingstone." (So You Want to Be an Entrpreneur Acton School of Business)

"Analysis can delay entry until it’s too late or kill ideas by identifying numerous problems." (How Entrepreneurs Craft Amar Bhide) 

Insights: I never appreciated my youth leaders enough when they were teaching us to decide ahead of time what we would/wouldn't do when temptations arose so that we wouldn't have to pause to think. I can look back at situations and see how heading that counsel would have been SO beneficial. I would like to teach my children that concept and also remind myself of it often.

As I am seeking to find my purpose and next steps in life, I need to remember that God connected so many of them for me previously and I need to trust Him to do the same as I move forward. Although it feels as though there has been a pause since leaving the working world, I am sure that is not the case. He is still leading me step by step and I need to listen and trust Him. 

STOP analyzing things so deeply. I have so many examples of times I have done nothing because I researched so much that there seemed to be no good answer anymore. Trust myself to have wisdom, knowledge, and experience to make good decisions with the information I have already been given. Failure is an opportunity for growth.


Ponderings:  How do the past steps in my life connect to my current and future steps?
