
Showing posts from November, 2020

"Are we not all beggars?"

  Initial Thoughts: I am a beggar, but I often forget this. Independant yes, but still in need of God's mercy.   Stand outs: "... we  obtain  a remission of our sins by pleading to God, who compassionately responds, but we  retain  a remission of our sins by compassionately responding to the poor who plead to us. " (Elder Holland Are We Not All Beggars?) "beyond making ends meet, whether you have little or much of this world’s goods, will never be a fundamental determining factor of personal peace and happiness, but rather it is your attitude towards wealth that will be critical."  " We’ll let go those who only want to do what others tell them needs to be done, and keep those who are willing to solve the problem.”   "God gives to man the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things." (Monson) Insights:  Integrity- worth is not something you earn or flaunt, it is inherently equal in all of God's children from birth. What I do and


Initial Thoughts: The idea of balance when it comes to work and life I think is flawed.   Happiness doesn't come from balance. Stand outs: " The first thing we need to understand about money is that it is not evil. Money is neither good nor bad." (Attitude on Money) "The greatest threat to you leading a fulfilling life is a misguided pursuit of happiness  that blinds you to the possibility of a more meaningful Hero’s Journey." (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) Insights: Isn't it interesting how an inatimate object gets blamed for being evil when it is our choices that ultimately are good or evil. Money can bless many lives and give freedom for service to be done. It can also lead to greed and loneliness. It is my choice. I was amazed by the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness article. It is fascinating to think that I have a happiness threshold and very few of the things I think will make me more happy actually have the power to do so. I think

I give myself permission to Dream Big Dreams

  Initial Thoughts:  I am not the exception to the rule that God wants us to achieve great things.  Stand outs:  “A person’s most valuable assets are intelligence, energy, and experience…” (The Heart of Entrepreneurship) “You can do it, you can accomplish the goals and dreams that you set and if you involve the Lord, you can do the impossible, you can do amazing things you can do great things.” ( Think Big  Taylor Richards) “What you feed grows, and what you starve dies.”  ( Your Emotional Fingerprint  Jim Ritchie) Insights:  Intelligence is using our brain to apply energy to the things that experience has taught us. Choose to be intelligent every day so that my energy is used for propelling me forward instead of dwelling in the past.  I struggle when I read things like  A Field Guide to the Hero's Journey  or  Your Emotional Fingerprint.  I don't feel that I know my purpose or what my big dream is. I tend to think that I am just supposed to be ordinary and invisible in

Aaaaaannnd ACTION!

Initial Thoughts:  A bias toward action. The ability to act. Act to help the other person. Stand outs:  "The secret to developing the right attitudes, habits and instincts for crisp execution is cultivating a bias toward action." ( A Message to Garcia ) "Dwelling on fears only gives them more power. The best way to rid yourself of a fear is to take positive action. Courage isn’t the absence of fear but rather the ability to act in the face of it." ( A Message to Garcia) Defaulting to yes means that when you meet people, you are always thinking, “How can I help that person?” Which is very different than when you meet people and you’re always thinking, “How can that person help me?” (Guy Kawasaki) Insights: I love the idea that fear can be overcome by taking positive action. I truly enjoyed the entire article called A Message to Garcia. I always believe that I am a chicken and everyone else around me is really brave. The truth is that they are willing to act despite t

Opportunities of light

  Initial Thoughts:  This week feels really good Stand outs:   I used to think being somebody meant public recognition of one’s efforts. Wrong. I now know that the feeling of being somebody comes from hard work and self-growth. Being in control of my life makes me answer that question with a strong “Yes!”  [New York: Pinacle Books, 1981] If you have oil in your lamps, you will find how often you get a chance to light them. If you have cared enough to prepare, your light will attract many, both men and women who will seek and cherish your companionship. (Sis Holland) It is simply a truism that nothing very valuable can come without significant sacrifice and effort and patience on our part.(Elder Holland)  “Don't you quit! You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some come late, and some don't come till Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be alright in the end. Trust God, and belie