
Showing posts from September, 2020


  ·          Why do you think Randy Pausch was able to achieve so many of his childhood dreams? I think this is best answered with his brick wall analogy. We are given “brick walls,’ or rejection, or failure as a means to have us prove how badly we want something. Instead of seeing these moments as absolutes, Randy saw them as a challenge to prove he could do it. Persistence and momentum brought his successes, not just intelligence or luck. I think supportive parents were what planted the seed for his mindset. They did not tell him he could not do things, they did not restrict his creativity so the world was full of opportunity in his mind. ·          Do you feel that dreaming is important? Why or why not? Dreaming is important and allowing ourselves to believe that dreaming is important is the permission that we need. Restrictions and rules constantly pull us out of dreaming which then limits our minds creativity. This limiting turns into beliefs about ourselves and our abilitie

Getting started

  Initial Thoughts : I am a blank slate, I know nothing, so this should be very easy, right? I feel intimidated and a little lost as to where to start and what to say. I like parameters and rules and examples.  Stand outs : "Do you long to be successful? Do you want to make a difference in the world? On some days, do you feel as if you were put on this earth for a purpose, and on other days feel completely lost? Are you the type of person who is moved by a heartbreaking injustice or excited by an extraordinary opportunity?" As I read these words, I could not help but wonder how this Jeff Sandefer person accessed my exact thoughts. I cannot count the amount of times these questions have run through my mind and caused anxiety to flood my body. I am ordinary, I like ordinary, I do not want to start anything or run anything or oversee anything. Yet, I feel a strong pull to do more, be more, fulfill my Patriarchal blessing’s directions.  Insights: Lately the concept of line up